Friday, July 2, 2010

Empire State Tattoo Supply

Our Mission:

Sometime’s people aren't really given a choice in what they are meant to do with their lives.. That's our approach for starting one of the best tattoo supply company in the tri-state. We have been part of the tattoo culture way before they went main stream. Our passion has led us to learn the products and needs of the people we support. We know about the artists that are not happy with the lack of good products available to them. We are aware with the poor support that shop managers are given from their supply houses and we know that although ordering from a website, at times seems convenient; there is no personal service in which allows you to connect with products.

The success of making something work is not reinventing the wheel; it's finding the flaws and making them better. The strength of our company is based on our communication and relationship with various domestic, foreign and home grown distributors. We've built these relationships in order to better service YOU our clients.

What we bring to the table is a FREE 24 hour delivery service in the tri-state with NO minimum order!!!!! We are designed to help you manage your inventory and ensure that you get the maximum product for your budget. All our clients will be catered to their own needs. Empire State Tattoo Supply was built for you!!!!!!!!!!


  1. When reading this post it reminded me of something I read the other month in a landrover Website, would there be any chance I could have the authors email address, Well Written blog thanks for the information.

    Xtreme Tattoo Supplies

  2. HIiiiii,
    The reality is the fact that all skin image artists, specially non-established artists which aspire with regard to artistic effectiveness, are going to need to have tattoo supplies at some point.
    thank you.

    Tattoo Supplies
